
2018 Miller Tanner Associates Awards

MTA Awards

We are pleased to announce our Miller Tanner Associates Awards for the 2017-2018 year! At our recent Miller Tanner Global Workshop, we recognized and awarded distinguished team members for their outstanding contribution to Miller Tanner throughout the year. Their special talents and skills contribute to the “Miller Tanner Difference”.

2018 Miller Tanner Associates Awards

Marnie Award – Lori Villanueva, Human Resources Coordinator

The Marnie Award is given based on the associate who has had an impact on the majority of the MTA team over the past year.  The winner not only meets exceptional service qualities but also is one whose good work positively affects the MTA team at large.   Lori was recognized for her outstanding service at MTA.  She takes care of everyone at MTA – from benefits, to supporting professional growth, to payroll, to finding exceptional team members to help build out our brand.  She received recognition for working on initiatives to streamline hiring, determine software improvements for global payroll, and for supporting Marnie by taking care of everyone at MTA.



Storyteller Award – Carrie Hui, Global Event Specialist

Carrie received this year’s Storyteller Award, recognition for showing exemplary MTA teamwork by taking care of her fellow team members and clients. She was a great team player, always jumping in when needed, and took the lead in processing a large volume of registrations in a short time frame.


MTA Saver Award – John Thomas “JT” Walling, Technical Specialist

JT was recognized for his talents as a thorough problem solver saving our internal team time with his quick technical solutions. In the last year, JT has saved us all in terms of time by his quick response to our help desk tickets and his focused telephone/virtual direction.  Because of the excellent service that he has provided to our internal team, it allowed us to get back to doing our jobs quickly and efficiently!


Gift of Service Award – Bonnie Sheets, Global Event Director & Connie Winter, Production Manager

This year’s Gift of Service Award recognized two outstanding associates, Bonnie and Connie for their dedicated service and for going above and beyond for our clients and for their fellow Miller Tanner colleagues. Both Connie and Bonnie were recognized by client and colleague surveys as providing the best service this past year.  Client surveys resoundingly mentioned both at their numerous MTA events while MTA’s internal “High Five” board routinely gave them shout outs for their numerous acts of service.  Bonnie and Connie consistently put into action our tagline of “Experience Excellence”.

Connie and Bonnie


Gift of Depth Award – Gemma Plans, Global Service Director

Our theme for 2018 is “Depth”. Gemma received the award for Gift of Depth as she is seen as the most cross-trained employee at MTA giving her a unique level of “depth” at each job within the MTA Global Events Team.  She’s done it all starting as a contract worker and working her way through our clinical and commercial product offerings.  She applies her deep knowledge to each current task and is recognized for her outstanding talents.
