
Content Engagement

Don’t you think it’s about time to think outside the box of traditional content engagement? Modern meeting technology is making it possible to improve the way you deliver key messaging, connect with attendees, and create a memorable event experience. 

With the right tools, your organization can host an event that’s more efficient, engaging, and easier than ever before. And if you aren’t sure exactly how to fit technology into the planning and implementation of an upcoming event, that’s where Miller Tanner Associates comes in. Thanks to our extensive expertise, industry resources, and forward-thinking approach, we’re prepared to help your team pull off a smarter, more effective event.

Enhancing Attendee Engagement with Cutting Edge Meeting Technology

Today, technology isn’t just a luxury limited to high-profile events – it’s a basic necessity that you can’t afford to skip. Attendees have come to expect a certain caliber of technologically-advanced elements, especially in a world in which virtually everything we do is now digital.   

Here are just a few of the ways our clients have been tapping into technology for their meetings and events:

Taking Content Engagement Further

Of course, the ultimate goal of any event is to make an effective connection between content and audience, bringing it all together in a way that achieves your big-picture goals. Picture this: every attendee is provided with an iPad at their seat, from which they’ll be able to participate in content-relevant gamification, live polling, digital discussions, review content, take notes on slides, rate content and other interactive activities. Depending on the intent of the meeting, you can tailor a digital dashboard of sorts to fuel attendees’ interest and enjoyment. Drive engagement through Q&A panels, breakout rooms, polling questions, quizzes, word clouds, live chats, and other features within a virtual meeting.  

Whether face-to-face or virtual the Miller Tanner Associates team delivers an engaging experience for your attendees where content is delivered in a more intentional and effective manner, ensuring that the experience lasts long after the event is over. MTA has established and qualified preferred content engagement technology providers to ensure messaging and training are effective and the overall event goals are met. 

Engage Your Audience with VALTs

Once your guests head their separate ways, the work isn’t done: there are still ways to extend engagement. Technological elements such as on-demand video, online surveys, and discussion boards can help you gather feedback, convert potential leads, and solidify professional relationships. Look to engage with VALTSTM – Virtual Assessment, Learning & Training Source.

VALTs is dedicated to maximizing your event spend by effectively managing content online. Post training prior to your event. Capture the event live. Deliver the content to those not attending. Access archived content for as long as you need. All with VALTs — the source for event content.

Reimagine Your Approach to Content Engagement with Miller Tanner Associates

Don’t let your next event become outdated before it’s even begun – update the way you engage attendees with state-of-the-art meeting technology. From streamlining logistics to boosting participation and interest levels, putting a tech-savvy twist on an event has a myriad of benefits. With more than two decades of experience in professional planning and meeting management and a talented team of engineers, programmers, and planners on our side, MTA is your go-to partner to craft an experience that makes the most of content engagement technology.

We don’t just specialize in utilizing technology for the purposes of meeting engagement; we’re dedicated to creating full-fledged event experiences that make the right impression on your attendees. Regardless of whether your goal is to train, educate, celebrate, or sell, the MTA team will tailor an event plan that serves your needs – and exceeds every expectation.Learn why content engagement is a must-have for your upcoming meeting or event by contacting Miller Tanner Associates today.