
Measuring the Impact of Your Face-to-Face Event Using Data

How Data Impacts Your Face-to-Face meetings

Measuring ROI at Face-to-Face Events

Our clients often pose the question to the Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) team, “How can we prove to our key stakeholders that it is worth the investment of time, money and resources required for face-to-face events, when the efficiency and ease of virtual events is powerful and persuasive?” 

The simple answer is data.

This year, MTA’s focus has been to show data that supports how an event has “moved the needle” and achieved its goals offering a huge ROI for our clients. By using both pre- and post-meeting surveys, we can show that the face-to-face event impacted the attendee in a tangible, meaningful way.

Always practicing what we preach, MTA experimented with this at our own Annual Global Workshop. Since event management is listed as one of the top 5 most stressful careers, one of our key goals for the week was to increase each team member’s focus on personal work-life balance. By ensuring that our team stays in balance, with a healthy dose of self-care, they are able to continue supporting our clients and events with the stamina that this industry requires.  We endeavored to prove that time spent at our Workshop practicing work-life balance skills actually changed our team’s intended actions after the event. 

Pre-Meeting Survey

In our pre-meeting survey we asked, “How much time do you spend each day to ensure you have what you need to be productive and happy?” Here were the results:

Survey Results: How much time do you spend each day to ensure you have what you need to be productive and happy?

48% spent 15 minutes or more
41% spent 15 minutes or less
11% spent no time

Post-Meeting Survey

In the post-meeting survey we asked, “How much time each day do you think that you will spend in the future to ensure you have what you need to be productive and happy?” Here were the results:

Post-Meeting Survey Results: How much time do you spend each day to ensure you have what you need to be productive and happy?

83% intended to spend 15 minutes or more, an increase of 35%
17% intended to spend 15 minutes or less
0% intended to spend no time

We see these results as a huge victory!  We were able to prove that our time together significantly “moved the needle” and impacted the behavior of our attendees. Building off of this, we will collect data again next year to see if they were able to maintain this behavior.  Stay tuned for more details on how this focus impacts the brand loyalty of our team and the efficiency with which they work!

We have been working closely with many of our clients to help understand what their event goals are, design programs that support those intentions, and collect data to support the success of their endeavors; as a result, this allows them to prove ROI to their stakeholders for the investment of time, money and resources.

Are you ready to move the needle with us?