for life sciences meetings/events
Tips & insights gathered over 27 years.
Most of the time, the phrase "it's what we've always done," isn't good. But for more than twenty-five years, we've gathered at our annual company workshop to not just talk shop, but to use the power of our team to make a difference. It's just what we've always done.
The Finance Team along with MTA's CEO, Marnie Miller Battistini spent the day volunteering with Nurses for Newborns of Tennessee. Leave it to the MTA Finance Team and CEO to get things done - organizing baby items and clothing, building shelving, and spending time giving back to the local community.
About Nurses for Newborns: NFN serves families in Middle Tennessee who need support around their pregnancy and care for their newborn with a goal to prevent infant mortality, child abuse and neglect.
Instead of handing out the usual landfill-bound items, MTA is making a donation for visitors to our booth during all Outsourcing Clinical Trials shows in 2025.
About Life Science Cares
Life Science Cares activates the financial and human capital of the life sciences industry and partners with nonprofits to disrupt the cycle of poverty and inequality in our communities. We envision all of our neighbors having access to basic needs, access to education, and access to opportunity.
MTA is proud to partner with Life Science Cares to aid in this mission.
We don't just do our own CSR activities and leave it at that. We like to preach what we practice. We activate attendees as much as we plan their experience. We believe that a truly powerful event is one that looks outside itself.
Strategy First
Examine the goals of your event. Align your CSR efforts to reinforce your messaging.Locally Sourced
The most effective and efficient CSR effort directly involves the locality where your event takes placeAction Oriented
Walk the walk. When a CSR effort involves the act of doing, it not only helps others, but builds your team.Mission Aligned
What does your organization believe in? Align CSR activities for all your events to your mission.As part of our customer's Global Commercial Leadership Meeting, the MTA team designed a collaborative CSR team building event supporting the Jack and Jill of America Foundation. Through this CSR activity, 150 attendees participated in friendly competition in which they had to work together in small groups to create country-themed Lego® projects.
About the Jack and Jill of America Foundation: the mission of JJOAF is to invest in programs and services that create a strong foundation for children to thrive long-term. We believe that every child deserves access to quality education, healthcare, and a safe and nurturing environment.
Actions speak louder than words, but words lead the way and illuminate the path.
Creatively Agile
Teaming with Trust
Talent Empowered
Clarity of Character
Service with Soul
Let's Do Some Good
The Miller Tanner Associates team is here to chat about exactly how to incorporate your CSR initiatives into your event.
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